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Pet Food Export


MODULE 1 This module provides a concise overview of exporting goods to the European Union (EU). It emphasizes the roles of key individuals involved, including exporters, consignors, consignees, and Official Veterinarians (OVs). The module highlights the significance of essential documents such as Export Health Certificates (EHCs), TRACES (electronic certification system), and CHEDs (Common Health Entry Documents). Its purpose is to offer a comprehensive understanding of export procedures, regulations, and documentation required for EU exports, with a particular focus on the UK's status as a third country. MODULE 2 The objective of this module is to outline a comprehensive guide that highlights the key steps involved in exporting POAO to the EU and NI. By following these steps, exporters can ensure the smooth and successful exportation of their petfood products, while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. MODULE 3 This module aims to provide a concise understanding of the EU Export Health Certificate (EHC). Participants will learn about the two parts of the certificate, their importance, and what is required for successful certification. Additionally, the course includes a Step-by-Step Guide on How to apply for an EHC.


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